One to One
One to One
One to One
One to One
Dot Bowen Ayurveda & Yoga
Conscious Choices for Vitality
Gatherings for Curious Souls
An invitation to discover more of your Self, as part of a committed community.
This course of workshops is born out of an ongoing and intimate enquiry into the beautiful potential Yoga has for Self realisation. Yoga is a radical practice, inviting change and responsibility. It is timeless, and offers the means to become deeply present, intelligent, and peaceful, while also recognising that we are dynamic and evolving!
Yoga is especially potent when explored as a relational practice. When in relationship, we both give and receive, and offer an invitation to consciousness in every moment. This brings the potential for grace and dignity in all interactions.
These workshops are designed to build a comprehensive exploration of Yoga, informed by the teachings of Krishnamacharya, Desikachar and Vanda Scaravelli as well as everyone present in the circle!
Through genuine compassionate enquiry, in like-minded company you will be supported to explore your relationship with body, mind and breath.
"Dot is a skilled and experienced teacher with a gift for empowering people on their own journey." ~ SB
All that is needed is a willingness to let go and embrace the unknown, which requires a level of maturity and vulnerability.
10am - 4pm
£30 or PWYC